CM 7202

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The first device developed as part of the SMEP program at VVL Žilina was the CM 7202 alphanumeric video terminal. It enabled the display of a/c information on the screen in a grid of 24 lines of 80 characters per line, was equipped with an alphanumeric and functional keyboard and allowed connection to SMEP minicomputers respectively with another digital device via the local interface IRPR, or the remote interface IRPS, or modem CCITT V.24.

CM 7202

Without processor (logic only), IRPR interface (up to 150 kByte/s) and IRPS (speeds 100,200,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600 bps), text 80x24, UART MHB1012 (IRPS), character generator MHB2501 / MHB 2502, monitor AZJ 462.

This could be a modified DEC VT05 design or similar terminal.


List of Control Commands

7 ^G BEL BELL Produces an audible tone on the electronic speaker

8 ^H BS C← Moves the cursor one place to the left.

9 ^I HT TAB Horizontal tab. Moves the cursor forward to the next tab stop. Breaks are fixed at every eight characters.

10 ^J LF LF Line feed. Moves the cursor down one line. If it is on the last line, move the screen content up one line.

11 ^K VT C↓ Moves the cursor down one line.

13 ^M CR CR Carriage return (moves the cursor to the left column of the current line)

14 ^N SO CAD Direct cursor addressing. Moves the cursor to the row and column specified by the following two characters, 31+Y and then 31+X (the top row and leftmost columns are numbered one.)

24 ^X CAN C→ Moves the cursor one place to the right.

26 ^Z SUB C↑ Moves the cursor up one line.

29 ^] GS HOME Move the cursor to the top row, leftmost column.

30 ^^ RS EOL Deletes to the end of the line (including the character at the cursor). The cursor will remain at the current position.

31 ^_ US EOS Erases to the end of the screen (ie erases characters at or after the cursor on the current line and all characters on lines below the current line). The cursor will remain at the current position.

CM 7202 M.1

The upgraded video terminal CM 7202 M.1 was designed to connect the operator with the computer via a serial asynchronous transmission channel IRPS or CCITT V.24. The terminal was controlled by its own eight-bit microprocessor MHB 8080 A and was built into the original box of the CM 7202 video terminal.

It came in three modifications:

This could be a copy of the DEC VT100 or similar terminal.

CM 7202 M.2

The CM 7202 M.2 was intended to connect the operator with the computer via a serial asynchronous transmission channel IRPS or CCITT V.24 and was also produced in three modifications:


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