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Tesla clone of Intel i8080A

Requires supply voltage: +5V, –5V and +12V

... and supports MHB8224, MHB8228 circuits


Compatible with Intel 8224


Compatible with Intel 8228.

This is a single-chip system controller and bus driver for the MCS-80 (MHB8080A). It generates all the signals needed for the direct connection of memories and I/O components of the MCS-80 family.

A bi-directional bus driver is included to provide a high system TTL fan. It also provides isolation of the 8080 data bus from memory and I/O. This allows control signals to be optimized, allowing system designers to use slower memory and I/O. Isolation of the bus driver also provides increased system immunity to interference.

The 8228 also generates the correct control signals to allow multibyte instructions (eg CALL) to be used in response to an INTERRUPT ACK from the 8080A. This feature allows large interrupt-driven systems to have an unlimited number of interrupt levels.

Replacement wiring

In ST 1983 there is:

- generating -5V

- replacement of MHB8224


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