It was manufactured from 1988 by JZD AK Slušovice. The computer was inspired by or was successor to IBM 5150. Hardware is based on i8088, 256kB RAM.Operating system running on the computer: MS-DOS.

This topic contains doubts or inaccuracies that need to be corrected. More information follows below.

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A period computer manual states:

The TNS-HC16/1M microcomputer belongs to the category of personal computers for professional use. It can be operated in local networks with a central computer TNS - AT/XT or in a distributed configuration with external memory on flexible minidiskettes (TNS-DMF). It can be used as a personal computer, an intelligent terminal or a computer for scientific and technical calculations and mass data processing. Printers supplied with TNS-AT/XT computers can be connected to the microcomputer.

The TNS-HC16/1M is a sixteen-bit single-board microcomputer. Its core is an Intel 8088 microprocessor with supporting circuits (DMA controller 8237, interrupt controller B259 A, timer 82531 PPI 8255 A, UART 6250, MPSC 6274). 1 MB dynamic memory and 16 KB EPROM memory are available. Of the total RAM capacity, 640 KB is used as the MS-DOS work area, the rest of the memory can be used as a RAM disk. For communication with the environment, the microcomputer is equipped with input/output ports that allow the connection of a keyboard (it is part of the microcomputer), a monitor, a printer with a parallel* or serial interface, a serial or parallel differential coordinate encoder (electronic mouse), a pair of flexible disk drives ( TNS-DMF) as external memory, fast computer network lines (TNS NET 900). The components of the motherboard are two "slot" type connectors, the lower one is occupied by the CCA video card, the upper one can be connected to the "WINCHESTER" type TNS-DFW hard disk drive via a SCSI card.

The micro budget is highly variable. For the necessary hardware configuration, it is necessary to set the microptepinate located on the printed circuit board. These ptepinstOn 3e ptisup after removing the top cover.

/3est valid connection 1e fixed in the lower part of the cover made of ABS plastic. A membrane keyboard with buttons is located above this area. The inputs and outputs of the pot are shown on the rear face. The upper cover is connected to the lower cover by self-tensioning tubes.

The micro pot is powered by an external source EA 1605 HC, to which it is connected via a sensor cable. This cable is an integral part of the aicropotatate and is thinned with a nine-pin CANNON connector.

The sensor is connected to the monitor with a shielded cable, which is plugged into the MONITO 231 connector. The TNS-HC16/1M is connected to the sensor's network using a cable end. ture type "T", which connects to the output :2L.

The RESET button is used to reset the computer. Printer with parallel interiation connects to 4,onector PRINTER t711 printer with serial interface to b_oneit.torm RS 232 :Sl. FLÍFFY DISC Ö connector. used for connecting external memory TNS-DMF (two parallel disk drives), connector 141 for connecting an electronic system of type 3WIN 3.6".

Technical description

The TNS-HC16/1M uses an 8088 CPU, which is a 16-bit microprocessor with an 8-bit external data bus. It works with an iodine frequency of 4.77 MHz. It is connected in minimal mode, when it generates the signals ALE, RD, WR and others, which saves the bus controller. To connect the 8237 DMA controller, the processor in minimal mode directly provides the HOLD and HLDA signals. With the exception of the coprocessor instruction, the wiring is compatible with maximum mode. Basic peripheral circuits with I/O addressing, or IOR and IOW addressing, are located on the motherboard. There is an 8237A-S circuit as a direct memory access - DMA controller that has four channels. One is used for dynamic RAM recovery and the remaining three are for general use. Next, there is an 8253 timer circuit that has three channels. One is used to ✓ealize the real-time clock using interrupts, the second to time the refresh of dynamic memories, and the third to output audio through the speaker. Furthermore, there is a universal WASSAI parallel interface circuit that is used for reading data from the keyboard interface, for reading the status of the four configuration switches on the board, and for some single-bit internal logic and status ports. Unlike the IBM PC, the keyboard has parallel data transfer. There is also a VART 82S0 circuit on the motherboard for controlling serial data transmission.

The motherboard contains common circuits from the IBM PC world (8088, 8259, MHB8255A, ...), but also specifics, e.g. semi-custom circuit MIB207 (HP200; this circuit was originally as a separate board), or a keyboard solved by another processor (MHB8035) .

Also on the board is an array of floppy disks for two 5.25" diskette drives with double-sided recording and double-density recording. A substantial part of this Debugger is implemented by a 765A NEC or 8272 A Intel circuit. Also on the board is an 8259A Interrupt Debugger. Three levels out of eight are occupied by keyboard, real-time clock and floppy disk fader.Others are free for general use.


The total memory capacity in the computer is 1 RAM, it is made of 8 circuits in a DIL case with 16 components, it is a memory of 256K or 1M.

Memory recovery is done,

the timer outputs every 15 8253, however, it does not transfer anything, only the EPROM memory is located from the bootloader. ROM BIOS and network


MB RAM and 16 KB EPROM. 20 or terminals, depending on

as already mentioned, by DMA transfer. microsecond transfer request at which a "read" is performed by the -MR signal. addresses FC000H and contains in its 16KB

HC 16/1M, however, in the case of equipping the computer with megabit 1 circuits, it is necessary to save this entire capacity of the space reserved for the display, and BIOS, instead of memory for its extension, etc., to MByte, v 640 KByte is reserved for the operating memory part of the space, and the lower part remains capacity 384 KB. By DOS. thus This is not even directly mapped usage was created allows For its paging mechanism to display

one of sixteen 64 KB pages into a 64 KB "window" at addresses E0000h to EFFFFh. Which page appears in this window is determined by the number written to the 4-bit port.

The TNS-HC16/1M microcomputer comes standard with a C6A card located in the lower of the two "slot" type connectors on the left side of the motherboard. The videoRAM memory with a total capacity of 16 KB occupies the address space from 88000h to BAFFFh, its management is provided by the display controller MC6B45.

The card can work in two modes: - alphanumeric - 40 characters/ 25 lines - 80 characters/ 25 lines

- graphic

- 320 points x 200 points - 640 points x 200 points

In alphanumeric mode, each displayed character is encoded by two bytes in videoRAM. The first byte is the character code, the second is the attribute. The emblem is displayed in fields of 8 x 8 points, in eight colors in two shades. In graphics mode at medium resolution (320x200), the code of each point determines one of the 4 preset colors. High resolution (640x200) displays points in black and white.


* HC-16/1M



network TNS NET 900

It was the same as the previous generation of TNS HC computers – 100 KBd, 12.5 KB/s. The computer was also used as a server in TNS-NET networks for TNS HC-08 or TNS XT / AT client computers.

Inaccuracies/doubts related to the topic

An alternative source says that TNS-NET 900 was completely different from TNS-UPP-NET.

Fix the OCR from the manual


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