Designed by Ing. Eduard Smutný, TESLA Strašnice.It was manufactured from 1983 by Tesla Strašnice. The computer was inspired by or was successor to Intel MDS 80. Hardware is based on MHB8080A, UB880D.Operating systems running on the computer: ISIS-II,CP/M.
Clone according to the possibilities of the component base, but SW fully compatible. even the description of the SAPI-80/01 processor card is 80% a literal translation of the original Intel manual, MULTIBUS bus, the first boards had a bus controller from several IOs, later boards used a copy of the intel i8218 controller from the USSR.
File JVS 80-B - Development System Units
The JVS 80-B development system units include:
- Single board microcomputer JPR 80/01-A
- JPR 80/06-D semiconductor RAM board (64 KB).
- Flexible disk connection board JPR 80/11-B
Floppy disk subsystem, composed of:
- RFD floppy disk controller units with FDK-2 floppy disk formatting option
- JFD-2 floppy disk drives with two drives, inf. capacity 2×256 KB
Cabinet SKR 80
For placing up to four panel units from the SAPI 80 file.
Eight connection cables:
1 piece of cable 4 XV 988 098 for connecting the JPR 80/01-A board with the AND 16 A display.
1 piece of cable 4 XV 988 114 for connecting the JPR 80/11 board to the RFD flexible disk controller.
2 pcs of cable 4 XV 988 086 with a length of 1.5 m for connecting peripherals.
2 pcs of cable 4 XV 988 093 with a length of 2 m for connecting peripherals.
2 pcs of cable 4 XV 988 094 with a length of 4 m for connecting peripherals.
The set can be supplemented with peripherals that connect directly to the JPR 80/01 microcomputer board:
- Tesla AND 16 or Tesla AND 80 terminal
- Printer DZM 180, Consul 2111 or Consul 2113
- FS 1503 punched tape sensor
- Punch tape punch DT 105 S or Robotron 1215-1113
- Microcomputer: JPR 80/01
- RAM: 64 KB
- Disk controller: RFD
- Disk drive: JFD-2
- Other boards are connected via the MULTIBAS (MULTIBUS) bus.
File elements:
- JPR 80
- JPR 80/01
- JPR 80/20 A/B
- JPR 80/20Z
- JPR 80/02 - 32kB EPROM + parallel I/O
- JPR 80/03 - ferrite RAM 8KiB
- JPR 80/08 solid state RAM 64KB
- JPR 80/04 - serial I/O
- JPR 80/05 - program. timers, counters, JSP 80 connections
- JVS 80
- JSP 80
- SKR 8 / SKR 80 -- cabinet
- JFD 80 -- Flexible disks
- IZOT SM 5400 -- Cassette disc
- IZOT SM 5300 -- Mag. tape
- JKP 80 -- 2x cassette tape memory KPP 800
- RFD & JFD2 (2x MOMFLEX MF 6400) -- Flexible disc system
- DT 105 S -- Tape punch
- FS 1503 -- Tape sensor
- DMS 1 -- Device for remote measurement and signaling
- ZNZ 80 -- Backup power supply
- PDP -- Assistant diagnostician. panel
- Tesla AND-16 / Tesla AND-80 terminals -- Alphanumeric/Semigraphics
- PRM 80 -- PROM/EPROM Programmer
- MZP 80 -- Device for erasing EPROM
- PDU -- Teletype Level Converter
- TPR -- GDN Modem
- SMK -- sensor mg. cards
- OMD -- Optical Modem
To work with a small universal microcomputer system with flexible disks, it is possible to order the operating system ISYS II with flexible disks 4 XV 141 701, which includes:
Operating system and translators of higher programming languages.
Monitor for operating basic peripherals (stored in EPROM memory on the JPR 80/01 microcomputer board).
Manuals are part of the software:
- ISYS II operating system: 4 XV 120 301
- Monitor VSM 80-B: 4 XV 120 302
- Assembler 80: 4 XV 120 303
- Basic 80: 4 XV 120 304
- PL/M 80: 4 XV 120 305
- Fortran 80: 4 XV 120 306
- Pascal 80: 4 XV 120 307
- SYST.001 - Operating system: 4 XV 140 701/0
- SYST.002 - Fortran 80: 4 XV 140 702/0
- SYST.003 - PL/M 80: 4 XV 140 703/0
- SYST.004 - Pascal 80: 4 XV 140 704/0
- SYST.005 - Basic 80: 4 XV 140 705/0
- SYST.006 - Monitor file: 4 XV 240 706/0
- 4 blank discs: 4 XV 004
- Normal office environment without aggressive gases and vapors.
- Ambient temperature: +5 °C to +40 °C
- Supply voltage: 220 V ±10%, -15%
Inaccuracies/doubts related to the topic
The model was an Israeli computer - a clone of the Intel MDS 80, not the Intel MDS 80 itself. The exact name of the computer is unknown.