It was manufactured from 1988 (development since May 1982) by VD Drukov Brno. Hardware is based on MHB8080A.Operating system running on the computer: CP/M.
The sale provides Tesla Eltos from 18.12.1988 in a selected network of stores for too much 3990 Kčs. Organizations can buy 2900 Kcs for a warboard price.
Peripheral solution (hardware)
- Dimensions of the processor board version V.3.2: 220 × 320 mm.
- Power supply plate: 5V/3A, 12V/1A, -5V/1A.
- Microprocessor MHB8080A.
- All components of production of Czechoslovakia or CRC countries.
- Basic frequency of clock pulses F2 (TTU = 2.048 MHz).
- RAM memory on the motherboard: 4 KB (8 MHB2114 cases).
- EPROM memory on the motherboard: 6 KB using MHB8708 circuits, can be expanded to 8 kB using MHB8716 or to a maximum of 16 kB using circuits 2732.
- Separate 8 -bit port for ASCII keyboard (HH3212).
- Reinforced programmable contact circuit (MHB8255A, 3 × MHB8286).
- Four -bit status port (MH3216).
- The interruption system either one -layer (INT7) or a prioritized quadrilateral (MH3214, INT0, INT1, INT5, INT6).
- Independent imaging circuits on the motherboard, working on the principle of "stolen cycles" of the processor with the option of choosing a semigraphic mode (character generator) or full graphics. These circuits perform automatic recovery of information for dynamic memories (refresh).
- Possibility of program inversion of individual characters by means of the highest character bit (D7).
- In semigraphic mode, the character in the raster is 6 × 8 pixels, 32 lines of 48 characters are displayed (can be limited to 40).
- In semigraphic mode, either MHB8708 or 2716 can be used as a character generator (the possibility of creating user characters including the Czech alphabet).
- In semigraphic mode, you can create patterns in a raster of 64 × 144 points (each character has 3 × 2 points).
- In full graphics mode, 255 × 288 pixels (compatible with PMD-85 graphics) are displayed, the possibility of independent inversion of each 6 points.
- When semigrafice, the image area occupies 2 KB of RAM, with a full graphics of 16 KB RAM.
- 4 different colors (or shades of gray) can be used independently for each 6 adjacent pixels (or for each character).
- In full graphics mode, you can create a user file of displayed characters stored in the RAM memory, which works by V.4.X.
- The address of the displayed RAM area can be changed by writing the base address to the auxiliary register (up to 32 independent pages for semigraphic, 4 independent image parties for full graphics in the RAM 64 kb).
- System bus is led out for possible expansion.
- The system allows the general condition of the tribute (including the treatment of the acceptance of this condition during the registration operation).
- Display using VF modulator on any TV receiver or video modulator on a modified TV receiver or on the AZJ 462 display unit.
- Possibility to place the boot EPROM at any place of memory space (after 1 kB).
- Possibility to move local RAM to 8 kB.
- Auxiliary connector for dynamic RAM (16–64 kB).
- Using either a nut keyboard, ASCII keyboard, or some of the ASCII keyboards of factory production (eg EC0101).
- Using a commercial cassette tape as an external memory medium (using a modem).
- Dynamic RAM on the auxiliary board (16 to 64 kB, MHB4116).
- Cheap and simple nut keyboard TS5220004.
Verified in the form of a functional sample:
- A unit controller of various discs with circuit i8271 (simple recording density, FM, two units, S-1 and S-2).
- A/D converter with a resolution of 8 bits and 16 input channels.
- D/A converter with 8 bits and 0-10 V output voltage.
- KR580VI53 (i8253) timing circuit as a frequency meter, pulse counter or sound generator.
- Circuits allowing reading/writing programs from/on tape tapes for PMD-85.
- Circuits ensuring contact in V-24 (RS232C) with MHB8251.
- Joystick (Call, Driver) with MHB8255A connection.
There are a number of versions:
- V.2 for matrix keyboard 5220004 and semigraphic in length 2 KB for basic version of the system
- v.3 to v.5 Compatible with JVS-80 (SAPI-80; Intel MDS-800) and JPR-1 (SAPI-1).
- V.3 for ASCII keyboard and semigraphic, divided into two parts of 1 KB. The first is capable of independent activities.
- V.4 for full graphics.
- V.5 for CP/M, floppy disk drive and semigraphic.
- V.7 derived from the PMD-85 monitor that enables the emulation of this system to the Plan Boa microcomputer.
- v.* for MP/M
- Display program option option (1 to 32 lines, 1 to 48 characters) with the possibility of scrolling on the designated area.
- All monitor variables hidden in the non -displayed part of the RAM image memory.
- BIOS for CP/M enabling its start for V.5 and V.6 monitors.
- The operating system for the cassette recorder (2 kB), allowing the Basic-Mito, Assembler, Disassembler and the Intel MDS-800 editor to be launched.
- Micro Basic (4 KB) with semigraphic, editing features, recording and reading data on/from a tape recorder.
- Graphic editor for creating technological schemes in semigraphic (graphics figures of control and control programs).
- Under the CP/M operating system, the correct activities of the programs were verified: Pascal MT+, Fortran, MBASIC, BASCOM, ED, WORDMASTER, WORDSSTAR, DBASE II, SDT, DDT, ASM, MAC, MAP, LSO, POWER.
- Test program "DiskTest" to revive and test floppy drives (contains floppy disk formatting).
- "Basic G" for V.7 monitor, allowing all purely Basic programs written for PMD-85 (including graphics commands such as fence, etc.).
- "MGFPMD" program allowing file transfer between PMD-85 tape recordings and CP/m floppy recording.
- Program "Mgplan" for transmission of files between Plan Boa tape and CP/M floppy record.
- A program used to create the programming of the character generator.
- XIOS for multiprogram and multi -user system MP/M (monitor V.8).
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