EC 1120
Also called MUVYS, Multiprocesorový výpočetní systém.Designed by VÚMS - Zdeněk Korvas et al..It was manufactured from 1989 to 1992 (concept 1984-1985, project 1985-1986, development 1987) by VÚMS + ZPA Čakovice. The computer was inspired by or was successor to EC 1027 a IBM System/370-XA. Hardware is based on HP1000.
The computer of the JSEP 4 series, in terms of hardware and design, the machine had no foreign model, it is an own implementation of the IBM 370 XA architecture. A total of 1-3 CPUs, the capacity of the operating memory was 32 to 128 MB, virtual memory up to 2 GB. A SAPI 86 personal computer served as a service module.
The entire computer was first simulated and then built on HP1000 gate arrays, developed at VUMS in cooperation with Tesla Rožnov. In addition to the functional prototype built at VÚMS, ZPA Čakovice built 3 more prototypes, which were subsequently scrapped.
Computer boards were designed as so-called Multiwire printed circuit boards.
- Diagnostika mikroprocesorů VI, Sborník přednášek, ČSVTS-FEL-ČVUT, 1985
- Marie Vlčková, Zdeněk Korvas. Návrh počítače s hradlovými poli HP1000. Konference ve Vrátné dolině, Žilina, 1988
- M. Vlčková, J. Němec: Způsob návrhu EC 1120 a návrhové prostředky, Aktuality výpočetní techniky, č. 73, VÚMS Praha, 1989, str. 9-14
- V. Navrátil, J. Sokol: Další rozvoj operačního systému DOS 3/EC, Aktuality výpočetní techniky č.40, VÚMS Praha 1982, str.10-16.
- P.Golan: Dekodér pro opravu dvojnásobných chyb hlavní paměti, Aktuality výpočetní techniky č.67, VÚMS Praha 1988, str.62-66.
- J.Zelený, P.Golan: Diagnostika počítače EC1120, Aktuality výpočetní techniky č. 73, VÚMS Praha 1990, str. 15-21.
- P.Golan, O.Novák, J.Hlavička: Pseudoexhaustive Test Pattern Generator with Enhanced Fault Coverage, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol.37, No.4, April 1988, pp. 496-500.
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