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Microcomputer Development System

DOS MVS is a disk-type operating program and is used to generate programs in the MVS II development system. A key feature of DOS MVS is checking MVS system resources and checking sets stored on diskettes. The operating system is divided into the monitor and the operating system itself.

The monitor is a program with a size of approx. 2 KB, it is stored in the EPROM memory and ensures the performance of the basic functions of the operating system. The monitor includes service programs for the input/output devices of the development system, including operator terminals. The monitor also provides:

The monitor also contains a number of additional subprograms to make the user's work easier. Communication with the monitor takes place using the operator terminal.

Part of the operating system itself is permanently stored in the working one

memory storage (residential part), with additional programs fed from disk memory to working memory storage as needed.

Basic DOS MVS instructions include:

The DOS MVS operating system also includes the following programs and programming languages:


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