TEMS 80/03A

TEMS 80/03A It was manufactured from 1981 to 1983 by Tesla Vráble. Hardware is based on MHB8080A @ 1 MHz.

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Another computer intended only for teaching programming in schools was the TEMS built on the i8080 processor. In the form of a single printed circuit with dimensions of 322 x 220 mm, it was built into a case, similar to the PMI-80. A seven-segment display was used for display. The keyboard was as simple as a calculator. A serial interface with the possibility of expansion to RS232C made it possible to connect a cassette tape recorder. The memory was only 1 KB and was expandable to 8 KB. With a special peripheral board, it was used at the height of automation. This board made it possible to measure revolutions, temperature, etc.


* TEMS 80-04 with electric motor, speaker and other peripheral circuits for training purposes


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