SM 4-20

It was manufactured from 1982 to 1988 by ZVT Námestovo. The computer was inspired by or was successor to PDP 11/40 a SM 3-20. Hardware is based on 74181.Operating systems running on the computer: DIAMS,TMOS-2.

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SMEP-I series computer.

The UNIBUS bus, connected to the SMEP board format.

Processor Boards

Other boards

* SM 0203 - boot module (BootROM) - 1/3 SMEP format

Computer Usage

In scientific data processing

Ondrej Jančík, Vladimír Kapišovský and Jozef Beňa from the Research Institute of Nuclear Power Plants in Jaslovské Bohunice, at a conference in 1986, the authors presented graphic means for spectrometry based on the SM 4-20 computer. The goal of their work was to create tools for displaying and manipulating spectra that could be loaded into a computer from various sources. These sources included, for example, a remote spectrometer, a local spectrometer in the CAMAC system, any other spectrometric system, or storage media.

For this purpose, they used technical resources that included a CAMAC frame controlled by an NL 2106 unit, an MC-6-A-RGB color monitor and a CAM 3.10-11 monitor control unit. The displayed display system had a resolution of 256 x 512 pixels and supported 8 colors. The authors made it possible to display two histograms in either point or line form, as well as display text or semi-graphic information in a 32 x 64 character grid.

They ensured interaction with the operator through the CM 7202 console and planned to expand the possibility of control using a special functional keyboard. They implemented the entire software under the DOS RV-V2 operating system.

Inaccuracies/doubts related to the topic


Computers derived from SM 4-20

The following computers were inspired by or derived from SM 4-20:

