SAPI-86 Also called M3T330, IT30.Designed by Eduard Smutný.It was manufactured from 1988 by Tesla Strašnice. The computer was inspired by or was successor to IBM 5150. Hardware is based on KM1810VM86.

This topic contains doubts or inaccuracies that need to be corrected. More information follows below.

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Also produced by Tesla Blatná, Metra Blansko.

The SAPI86-NET computer network, based on NETBIOS, was developed for the computer in 1989.

CGA card - control is provided by the display controller MC6B45 (or the Bulgarian CM607P from the Botevgrad factory).

Inaccuracies/doubts related to the topic

Pre-lean IBM5150 uncertain or strange - there is an i8088. In addition, it is in MIN mode, so it is most likely connected to TNS HC-16 and PC 16 NB (everything is about Eduard Smutný).

