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TurboDOS is a partially CP/M-compatible operating system for Zilog Z80-compatible and Intel 8086 processors developed by Software 2000 Inc.

It was released around 1982 for S100 bus-based systems such as the NorthStar Horizon and the Commercial Systems CSI-50, CSI-75, SCI-100, and CSI-150 multiprocessor series.

Its core is modular, while the generation of the operating system is based on the relocation, linking, boot program "gen".

In Czechoslovakia, TurboDOS was used for the TNS-DOS system of JZD Slušovice for computers TNS ST, TNS SC, TNS GC, TNS MC, and TNS HC.


TurboDOS was introduced in the following versions: 1.00-1.16, 1.20-1.22, 1.30, 1.40-1.43. The last version in each range was always a "stable" debug version.

Supported hardware


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