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Network developed at CTU FEL.

It used ZNET, ARCnet, Ethernet (packet driver) cards.

Martin Bílý from ČVUT FEL, one of the authors of the FELAN network, describes the development of the DOS superstructure as follows: "When it comes to netbios, redirektor, fileserver, etc., it was a difficult topic. We had no information sources and were fumbling a lot. At one time we had the feeling , that it is enough to implement the transfer of messages using netbios and that they will somehow activate the file sharing functions on their own it was done. But I have it in a fog, maybe it was completely different. Over time, we understood that it is not so related.

There was a period when we disassembled various parts of MSDOS, various undocumented MSDOS functions or all kinds of extended parameters of standard functions started popping up at us. Then there also started to be access to the resources of the Internet of that time through the Bitnet/EARN network, we discovered Ralf Brown's Interrupt List and finally came to the knowledge of what the MSDOS share program is actually for. Then it was just a matter of how to write the client part of the fileserver, how to connect it to the internals of MSDOS. It somehow worked for us. But over time, problems with "freezing" of the PC appeared, and we no longer had the strength to track it down."


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