Also called "Terminal Network System","Ten Náš Systém".Designed by Dopravní stavby Olomouc, Ing. Nitsche.It was manufactured from 1980 to 1980 by JZD AK Slušovice. The computer was inspired by or was successor to ZVT SPU-800. Hardware is based on U880D @ 2,5MHz.

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This is the first TNS type computer based on the improvement proposal of Ing. Nitsche from Dopravní Staveb Olomouc.


According to the documentation for the original TNS, there was an INT board with "customization" functionality for SPU800 P1K and P4K memory (before P64K memory was available). It is about connecting the MI-DO and DI-MO buses using the MH3226.

Already in the improvement proposal, the author(s) state that by freeing up space on the MI/MO bus, there will be the possibility of further expansion of the address space and additional supply voltages for AD/DA converters, etc.

TNS Loader (SPU P1K)

The loader loads the code into RAM from the hard tape (SDP card) without further interaction with the user.

The TNS/SPU boot ROM switch (A7 inversion) and the boot ROM disconnector are implemented on the card.

Computers derived from TNS

The following computers were inspired by or derived from TNS:


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