Also called Malý Samočinný Počítač.It was manufactured from 1962 to 1963.

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The first computer of the second generation to go into mass production was the MSP 2. Václav Černý and Zdeněk Pokorný began working on its development in 1960, but due to technical problems with the components, a working prototype of the MSP 2 was not available until 1965.

A total of 14 MSP 2 computers were produced between 1966 and 1968: 1 at VÚMS and 13 at ZPA Čakovice.

The MSP 2 worked in a decimal system with a memory capacity of 2,500 (later 10,000) words on ferrite memory and allowed to process alphanumeric data. The arithmetic unit, built on diode and transistor circuits, worked in series. The operating speed for each operation was in the order of hundreds to thousands of microseconds.

Inaccuracies/doubts related to the topic

It is to be considered whether to divide MSP into MSP and MSP 2.


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