
Also called IT20.Designed by VÚMS.It was manufactured from 1984 to 1990 by Metra Blansko. Hardware is based on MH3000.

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Official Description

The basic unit of the M3T 320 intelligent terminal is designed for stand-alone use or as part of the IT 20 system. It is a desktop portable computer equipped with an extended modular BASIC interpreter.

The main areas of use include:



The basic unit in the M3T 320 design is a desktop computer consisting of a processor, keyboard, display, cassette memory (M3T 320.2) or memory with flexible disks (M3T 320.4), power supply, seven positions for input/output adapters and an indicator panel. These components are enclosed in a compact self-supporting cabinet

from plastic materials. The electronics of the processor and other parts are built on the basis of modern semiconductor elements. The sixteen-bit processor is assembled from elements of the MH3000 series, the operational memory consists of semiconductor dynamic memory elements RWM and electrically programmable EPROM elements. The display is equipped with a screen with a diagonal of 31 cm, graphic motifs and text characters are created with a grid of (368 + 16) x 640 points as an image of a defined part of the RWM operating memory. The keyboard is intended for communication with the programmer or operator. The keyboard array is divided into an alphabetic array, edit keys, numeric array, command keys, and softkey array.

The built-in cassette or floppy disk memory is designed for writing and reading application programs in BASIC and ASSEMBLER language. This unit can also be used to store data necessary for the work of programs. The power supply of a modern design provides all the necessary voltages for the operation of the terminal and all connected adapters. Adapters that can be inserted into 7 positions of the I/O grid make it possible to use the full addressability intended for peripherals, that is up to 11 separately addressed external peripherals.

The operating system is stored in EPROM memory and consists of a type part of the firmware, enabling programming in the BASIC interpretation language and optional firmware modules oriented to creating the configuration of additional

technical means. The operating system can be expanded by the user using programs in the machine code, loaded into the RWM type memory area — in the usual

equipment is supplied with tools for assembling and debugging programs in the ASSEMBLER language. The RWM memory is also used to store application programs (usually compiled in the BASIC or ASSEMBLER language). The set of optional modules is continuously updated. The creation of a firmware assembly from optional modules is carried out by the production plant on a special order.

Range of type firmware



STANDBY -— turning on the mains power

PARITY — memory error :

BUSY — processor in operation

PRINT ALL — simultaneous printing of display contents on the system printer A, B— program-controlled (assembler)

WRITE ENABLE — recording enabled (only in M3T 320.2 version)

TAPE READY — KPP ready (only in version M3T 320.2)

M0, M1 - MFD unit on standby (only in version M3T 320.4)


input/output bus


M3T 320.2

system cartridge

— Assembler





M3T 320.4

system disk

— Assembler





a set of utilities for working with a floppy disk

M3T 320.3

M3T 320.5

system programs for special order on the agreed carrier medium


permitted work environment

a) ordinary, non-aggressive, without vibrations and shocks, without the influence of foreign magnetic fields except the earth's, at an atmospheric pressure of 84 to 107 kPa

b) relative humidity max. 80% at a temperature of 25 *C

c) temperature range 5 *C to 40 *C:

d) dust content 0.2 mg/m, of which max. 3% of particles larger than 3 µm (only for M3T 320.2 and .4)

power supply 220V u%, 50 Hz— 2%, max. network impedance 15 O

power consumption max. 500 VA (300 W) — at full load of the I/O bus resources

cooling by forced air circulation with negative pressure in the cabinet

suppression level: RO2 according to ČSN 33 4200

start-up time: 5 min. / NOTE: M3T 320.2 in an environment with a temperature of 10 C — 30 min.


It was produced in four versions, the last one already had 2x 5.25" floppy, before that a cassette unit, an 8" floppy... It had a built-in Basic.

M3T 320.2

with cassette tape memory

M3T 320.3

with floppy disk memory

M3T 320.4

M3T 320.5


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